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How to Ride an Electric Skateboard? Know The Steps Well (Best Tips)

Fact checked by Michael Derosier

how to ride an electric skateboard

How to ride an electric skateboard? At first glance, electric skateboards and traditional skateboards appear to be nearly identical. But e-skates are powered by electricity. Therefore, riding an electric board is faster than riding regular skateboard.

Are electric skateboards easy to ride? Riding an electric skateboard for the first time can be a lot less challenging than you might think. The rider only has to know the fundamental skills and recommendations for optimal control.

Electric Skateboard for Beginners


You’ll have a significant edge if you’ve already experienced riding a skateboard. However, there are not many differences between riding a powered skateboard and the traditional one. Still, it does take some getting used to due to the speed and remote control.

Learning to skateboard is more difficult if you are a complete beginner.

So, how do you ride a skateboard? Here’s a simple electric skateboard guide to getting things going for you.

Wear the appropriate safety equipment.

  • Wearing safety gear is the most important thing that you should keep in mind, whether you will ride an electric skateboard or a traditional one.
  • Well-fitted helmets, wrist guards, elbow pads, and knee pads are must-have sports gear for skateboarders to keep you safe while on a ride.
  • Wrist injuries are common in skateboarding because you will almost certainly reach out with your hands to catch yourself when you fall. Always wear a helmet because head injuries can be life-threatening.

Check the settings on your truck and board.

  • Always check your skateboard before riding it. Such a preparation step will prevent you from getting hurt if any malfunctions happen while you’re in the middle of a trick.
  • Always make sure those trucks are tight and in good condition. Maybe go get your trucks checked by a professional or fellow rider before practicing. It helps you maintain your balance and reduce speed wobble, especially if you’re a beginner.
  • Find a large and smooth space for practicing.

Steps to Ride an Electric Skateboard


Other than those steps mentioned above, which apply to both traditional and e-skateboard. Let’s learn here how to control your electric skateboard.

1. Knowing how to control an electric skateboard

  • There are two types of remote controls (RC). The first is a remote control with a large trigger that you may pull with your index finger on the underside of the RC. The second type of RC has a slideable button that can be slid up and down.
  • Double-check that the remote control is linked to your skateboard. This is the extra step that the e-skateboard is different from the traditional one.
  • Familiarize yourself with different modes. The e-skateboard will have various commands such as “forward,” “reverse,” and speed options, including slow, medium, and fast. So, try all these modes first.
  • Start with the slowest mode and work your way up until you’re comfortable.

2. Select a skateboarding stance

  • Regular and goofy are the two main stances. There is no “correct” position; instead, choose the most comfortable and stable one for you. If you’ve ever skateboarded before, you’re undoubtedly already familiar with natural posture.
  • When you put your left foot forward toward the board’s nose, you’re doing it right. When you lead with your right foot, it’s a goofy style.

3. Standing properly on an electric skateboard

  • Make sure the distance between your feet is the same as the distance between your hips.
  • It is advisable to bend your knees to have a smoother and safer ride. It will allow you to balance more quickly when you slow and stop.
  • Maintain a balanced weight distribution by avoiding excessive forward or backward tilting.

4. Hopping on and getting ready to go for a ride.

  • To begin, it is recommended that you kick push electric skateboard just like you would on a regular skateboard. Pushing off with one foot while keeping the other on the board helps you maintain balance.
  • Start the motors gradually on the slowest setting when you’re ready. Before you begin to accelerate, remember to relax your body by bending your knees for a good balance and holding your arms out. If you feel uncomfortable, switch up your stance.

5. Figuring out how to turn.

Of course, you should learn how to turn on an e-skate. That’s the fun part!

It’s the same as turning on a traditional board. Heelside and toeside turns are the two types of turns.

The heelside will turn you left, and the toeside will turn you right if you’re in a regular stance. If you’re in a goofy stance, it’s the opposite. Kick-turns are another useful type of turn to master.

  • To do a heelside turn, bend your knees slightly, place your weight on the front foot’s heel, and push your butt out as you shift your weight. You’ll notice the board moving.
  • For the toeside turn, bend your knees, and shift your body weight forward a little while putting some weight on your front foot’s toes.
  • To do a kick-turn, stand on your board and shift your weight to the back wheels, elevating the front wheels. Then swing the front of your board in the direction you want to go.

Important Tip: Don’t lean back if you feel like you’re about to fall forward; the board will blast out from beneath you. Lean forward into the turn by bending your knees even more.

6. Learn Braking (important!)

On an electric skateboard, it’s critical to brake properly. Don’t worry because you can operate the braking system with your remote.

  • To begin, lean back a little since, as you brake, your weight will immediately transfer forward.
  • That movement is compensated for by leaning back.
  • Bend your knees slightly and ensure that your front foot is sturdy and rigid.
  • Before braking, gradually reduce your speed with your remote.
  • To brake, shift your weight to your front/dominant foot and balance on that leg alone.
  • Lightly press your rear foot into the ground, gradually increasing pressure as you begin to slow down.

Be cautious because the more you brake, the more likely you will lose your balance.

If you’re a beginner, you can try the Neomotion electric skateboard, a medium-sized e-skate that’s light and easy to carry. This is recommended for children because they can use it to play, exercise, go to school, and travel.

7. Practice and have fun!


There is nothing left but practicing and enjoying riding your new e-skateboard every day! Ask your friend to accompany you or make more friends. You can turn this into a new hobby and a good experience in many ways. So, have fun!


Don’t be concerned if riding on a skateboard seems awkward at first. Usually, your first few rides may feel odd.

Being a skateboarder won’t be tough once you master the proper foot placement, posture, and wireless control operation. You must put on the proper equipment before riding an electric or traditional skateboard.

I hope this article on how to ride an electric skateboard gives you enough ideas. Ride safe, everyone!