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Skateboard vs Car – A Detailed Comparison

Fact checked by Michael Derosier

skateboard vs car

By classification, skateboards are recreational devices. But beyond that, we know they can also serve as a commuting buddy. And that adds them to hundreds of our daily transportation options.

If we are to name one invention that most fits travel purposes, we’ll come up with cars. So, skateboard VS car, which should you ride to college? What should you take for a long ride?

This article will emphasize the goal of each medium. From there, we will see if a skateboard will suffice as our regular commute or if cars are the most efficient way to travel.

What Are Cars and Skateboards?

Of course, cars and skateboards have salient differences. But let us first understand their characteristics.

1. Cars


Cars are four-wheeled vehicles moving around the city, propelled by a complex engine. Supporting these vehicles are fuel, batteries, and other electronic components to aid their function.

Generally, we drive cars through their steering wheels, transmission, and pedals. They’re comfortable to use because drivers need not stand or move their entire body.

Automobiles serve a lot of purposes. In general mobility, they can be for transportation or commuting. Aside from these itineraries, cars can also be a form of recreation.

2. Skateboards


Except for e-skateboards, skateboards don’t need electricity or stored energy in batteries to function. A regular skateboard has the fundamental components in the deck, truck, and wheels.

When riding a skateboard, skaters use their whole bodies supported by their weight to balance. First, they push the board with their feet to move forward. Second, they lean their bodies to turn. Ultimately, they combine fundamental skills to perform agile skateboard movements.

On a more advanced level, these skaters will glide down ramps, grind through rails, or race with their fellow riders.

Related: Normal skateboard vs Electric skateboard: Which is Better?

Differences Between Cars and Skateboards

Undeniably, skateboards and cars are relevant in more than a couple of aspects. Now, let’s highlight their differences.

1. Build

It’s easy to spot the difference between cars and skateboards by their looks only. But let’s be more specific.

As mentioned, skateboards come with their fundamental parts in the deck, trucks, and wheels. But besides these elements, there are more pivotal components to the skateboard’s overall performance and quality.


These include grip tape for traction, bearings for wheel precision, riser pads for added height and wheel-bite protection, and more. What about a car?

Of course, cars have significantly more parts than skateboards. But let’s only discuss the primary ones. These components are the chassis, engine, transmission, and the car’s whole body.


Each component has more parts and should take a while to learn.

2. Operation


How to operate cars and skateboards?

If we observe car drivers, most work happens on the driver’s feet and hands. Drivers only sit relaxed with their eyes and mind focused on the road.

On the hands are the control of the car’s direction through the steering wheel, transmission shifting, and other functions like lights and wipers. And down on the feet are functions like acceleration, braking, and clutch happening through the pedals.

Meanwhile, skateboards find the skater’s body more mobile. New skateboard riders often begin with finding their stance. Next, they push the board while keeping balance using the arms and legs. Ultimately, they master turning and stopping.

3. Purpose


Now, should you take a car or skateboard?

For some, cars are a status symbol. But beyond that, these automobiles serve more relevant purposes.

First, cars carry more people besides the driver and almost anything you pack. Second, these automobiles help us transport things for business, travel, or casual trips. If not for official reasons, cars can also be our way to have fun, recreation, and entertainment.

On the other hand, skateboards are also a transportation and recreation tool. However, they only accommodate one person.

In design, there’s a concept of minimum viable product or MVP skateboard, in which the MVP is the smallest, earliest design that meets the demand of the consumer. If we apply this concept to vehicles, a skateboard is the MVP while a car is a later, bigger prototype.

In other words, in product management skateboard is a metaphor for gradual product discovery and consumer feedback. Interestingly, Tesla’s Model S is based on the

architecture of a skateboard, making skateboard car design an actual thing instead of a fantastical concept.

Pros and Cons of Cars and Skateboards

We have collated what the majority say about a skateboard’s and car’s advantages and drawbacks. And here are the most common.

1. Skateboard

  • Skateboards are great physical workouts.
  • Mobile during heavy traffic conditions
  • Stress-relieving
  • Challenging to master
  • Risky because of the rider’s exposure to potential injuries

2. Car 

  • Convenience
  • Optimum mobility with baggage and passengers
  • Easier travel over long distances
  • Slightly costly for maintenance
  • Risk of accidents and injuries


Of course, we should expect a skateboard’s price to be cheaper than cars. But here is a short price list for your reference.

1. Cars


  1. 2023 Toyota Camry – $26,220
  2. 2023 Nissan Leaf – $28,040
  3. 2023 Hyundai Sonata – $25,100

2. Skateboards


  1. Magneto SUV Skateboard – $99.99
  2. Santa Cruz Skateboard Complete – $100.45
  3. Sector 9 Fiji Complete Skateboard – $189.99

Check out this list of the most popular skateboard under $100 here!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it illegal to hold onto a car while skateboarding?

Skitching or holding onto a moving vehicle during skateboarding is forbidden. Why? Here are a few reasons.

  1. The cars skateboard riders jive on will create life-threatening danger should the skater lose control of the skateboard or fall off.
  2. Regular laws might limit skitching. Non-observance could cause penalties or sanctions from the authority.
  3. It’s a form of disrespect to other users of public roads.

Can a skateboard be considered a vehicle?

By definition, a vehicle is something to transport goods, people, or objects from one point to another.

Can we view a skateboard as transportation? Should we consider it a vehicle? Yes!

Skateboards allow a rider to travel from point A to B. While they have more weight limitations than cars and other vehicles, they still fall within the definition of a vehicle.

But note that public streets require skateboarders to be of the right age and own a driver’s license. Hence, notwithstanding physical hazards, riding our skateboards does not always come without risks.


Everyone likes convenience while running errands or going to work. Most especially with traveling, we always want to arrive at our destination quickly and easily. And with skateboards and cars being two of our reliable options, it’s no question how they serve us in our daily life.

This skateboard VS car comparison only reminds us that we have different means to travel for legitimate purposes or relax on a long trail. We should only understand how each vehicle works and identify its restrictions or limitations.

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